Terms of Service

Terms of Service

These terms and conditions, once accepted by you (the client) after you check the "I agree" box at checkout, or agree through written communication with Atlantis Book Design, will create a binding legal contract between you (the client) and Atlantis Book Design.


1. The client agrees that he/she has obtained all necessary rights to publish materials to be used in the project and will be soley responsible for the accuracy of ownership, copyrights, or trademarks claimed by the client. The client agrees to hold harmless and defend Atlantis Book Design against any copyright or permission infringement connected to designs created with materials provided by the client. Materials must not be public domain work, unless the client is the author of said work.


2. All information provided by the client is considered confidential and will only be used by Atlantis Book Design to complete a project. Client materials and information will not be shared with any third party unless otherwise requested by the client. 


3a. Atlantis Book Design’s fee for the design of an Ebook cover is as stated on our up-to-date Packages page. Purchase of an Ebook includes the following:

- Jpeg file formatted for use as an Ebook cover.

- Smaller versions of the cover for promotional use upon request.

- Purchases of stock images used in the cover design. (If the client has specific image requests, additional charges may apply.)

- Digital delivery of the afore mentioned cover design files.

The Ebook cover design service does not include anything not specified in the list above.


3b. Atlantis Book Design’s fee for the design of a print book cover is as stated on our up-to-date Packages page and includes the following:

- A complete paperback book cover design and layout of the front, back and spine set to client’s provided specifications. The client must supply Atlantis Book Design with specifications or a printer’s template.

- A high-resolution, print-ready PDF of the cover.

- A lower-resolution jpeg file ready for use as an Ebook cover.

- Smaller versions of the cover for promotional use upon request.

- Purchases of stock images used in the cover design. (If the client has specific image requests, additional charges may apply.)

- Digital delivery of the aforementioned cover design files.

The print book cover design service does not include anything not specified in the list above.


4. Upon receipt of full payment and client's written approval of the design, Atlantis Book Design grants the client exclusive license to use the final cover design for his/her book cover and associated promotional use.

5. The client understands that he/she does not have the right to alter the final cover design in any way except to change size for display or printing. If the client needs any changes, he/she will consult Atlantis Book Design. The client understands that additional payments will be required to provide alterations beyond the original package amount.

6. The client agrees to follow the terms of any license agreement for any images purchased by Atlantis Book Design through a third-party stock photo website for use in client’s book cover design. The cost of the design services includes the license to use these images within the client's cover and is limited to a print run of 500,000 units. For books with a print run over 500,000, you may need to purchase an additional license. Images used for the client’s cover are royalty-free, but the photographer owns the copyright to those photographs and the client is not permitted to distribute them in any manner other than for the book cover design.

7. Atlantis Book Design retains the right to use the client’s final book cover design, name, and book title in Atlantis Book Design's portfolio or to promote our services. Atlantis Book Design retains copyright and ownership of all design materials.

8. If the client provides Atlantis Book Design with materials subject to intellectual property rights by a third-party, the client will gain the legal right to use the materials before requesting Atlantis Book Design to incorporate them into his/her project. If any intellectual property issue or litigation arise involving materials the client provides, the client accepts full legal and financial responsibility.


9. Atlantis Book Design requires cover design credit to appear in client’s book as follows: “Cover design by atlantisbookdesign.com" or "Cover design by Atlantis Book Design."


10. The client is fully responsible for examining the proofs for accuracy within the cover design provided by Atlantis Book Design. It is recommended that the client requests a proof from the printer before ordering any prints using the book cover design. In no way will Atlantis Book Design be held financially or legally responsible for any issues, costs, fees or expenses to the client as a result of using the book cover design.


11. Atlantis Book Design is not liable for any kind of loss or damages, including loss of revenue, loss of business, or loss of the provided design files or data. Atlantis Book Design is not responsible for any claim or loss based on any inaccuracies appearing on our site or in the client's written records, including any result of the breach of the terms and conditions of this agreement.


12. Client agrees to pay the total cost before work will begin on the project (unless a special agreement is made to pay half at the start, half at completion, which will be stated in writing between parties). If the client pays half at the start, the remaining balance is due upon approval of final book cover design. Atlantis Book Design will not release finished files to the client or other parties until final payment has been received. Atlantis Book Design retains the right to discontinue, withhold, or suspend services for any account should payments not be paid for a contracted job in the order specified in this agreement.


13. Either the client or Atlantis Book Design may cancel this agreement at any time by providing a written notice to the other party. If either client or Atlantis Book Design cancels a project before work has started, neither the client nor Atlantis Book Design is under further obligation to the other, and this contract will be considered canceled.

14. If the client cancels a book cover design job once it has started, the client agrees to forfeit fifty percent of the project total price. This is to cover resources and work hours spent on the project up until cancellation. The client will have no rights to any proofs or files sent to the client and agrees to delete them and not use them.


15. This agreement encompasses all matters between both parties. No additional conditions, oral or written, apply to this agreement that are not included in these terms of service.


16. Changes to this agreement are not valid and enforceable unless stated in writing and signed by both parties (physically or digitally).


17. Even if one statement or section is found unenforceable within these terms, that does not render the rest of them invalid or uneforcable.


18. Once you have read and agree to the terms of service, please select “I agree” and submit. Once payment has been received, your project will begin as scheduled.